Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Life is a Roller coaster

Lately I have reflected often on how up and down life seems to be. While I don't feel I have any major trials right now, especially when compared to what others are going through there are moments of some days when I feel myself, very un-rationally thinking--- how am I going to make it through this day? I'll hear a child ask for something in whiny voice, hear the kids fighting with each other, witness them torment the cat, have to clean up a mess for the hundredth time that day, or get them yet another snack--- and I feel like I will lose my mind.

Then, there are other moments when I feel so overwhelmed with love from my heavenly Father and love for my children and see the blessings that I am given. And for the most part, nothing is really different in either of the situations- except my attitude. I am trying to work on having a more positive attitude. I love being a mother and feel that I appreciate the little things and have fun with my children, but I do have my "monster mom moments" and I don't want to look back and remember me getting angry easily at my children for little things and losing my patience with them.

Today I sat in a chair in the backyard, enjoying the lovely 68 degree weather while watching Tera and Mazzi play in the backyard, Mazzi playing in the little car and Tera running around with the cat. I decided to call Matt to see who his day was going. He'd had a slow week at work and with being commission only, this can cause some stress. He said he was having a great day and had sold enough to reach his goal for the week. And it hit me, as it has countless times before, Heavenly Father knows what we need. Not that monetary things are the most important things, but they are necessary. I felt very blessed at that moment that even though the rest of the week had been slow for Matt, Heavenly Father knew the exact number of policies Matt needed to sell to reach goal and to be able to have Saturday off to go sailing with his good buddies. He is aware of us. Even in those moments when I feel like I am losing my mind... he is aware and loves me and will help me be the woman I want to be...


Heather said...

:) Love it Kyra, so true!

Traci Elizabeth said...

thanks...i needed that :)

Melissa P said...

Ahhh this is just what i needed to read today! thanks for sharing!! love you! hope you guys are doing great

The Cook Fam said...

Amen Sista! Love you and wish I were there in your backyard with you watching all our kids play. Sounds divine!

Katie said...

I am very overwhelmed right now, but not kiddie overwhelmed. It's 5 degrees here and the sun is shinning... man... lucky!

The Gray Family said...

I think you definitely ARE an awesome momma! I have far too many of those impatient moments myself, and am very grateful for the times when I just sit back and enjoy life. I think we have both been very blessed!

Rebecca said...

I think so many moms feel this way and more of us need to voice it so that it puts things into perspective like you have done in this post! Thanks Kyra! Sure miss you guys...one of these days we are going to come and visit you and go to Disneyland!!! I still have never been in my life! Crazy huh!

the Chandler chronicles said...

I hope you have more lawn chair moments...you deserve them Mama Extrodinaire!

Vanessa said...

So true. Thanks for reminding me.