Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Mazzi's one!

My friend Heather insisted that we not start out Mazzi's life by ignoring her birthday since it is so close to Christmas. So, I took her advice and threw her a little party. We did a Mom and Baby b.day party and it was a lot of fun. A lot of my friends have several children so this way we were able to just hang out and focus on the babies (though of course my hubby and other two kids were there) Matt didn't realize that it was a mom and baby party and was bummed when a bunch of women showed up without their husbands. I guess Matt and I need to work on communication, but we will save that for a New Years resolution post and focus on our sweet little baby for now!

Mazzi is ONE and as sweet and cute as they come.

She had her friends- Reese, Kyle, McKynlee, Mitch, Brooke and Carson over to celebrate with her. As you can tell by the huge grin on her face she likes being with other babies, and especially liked that Mitch was touching her hair. Watch out!

The mommies with their babies.
Mazzi with her cupcake

Opening presents.
Ashton made Mazzi this little birthday crown. He is such a sweet brother. He put it together with paper and staples right before the party started.

Love you baby girl! Can't imagine life without you. It has been a wonderful year having you in our lives! Stop growing up so quickly... pretty please!
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Heather said...

AWWW! I LOVE it!! I love how you see Mitch's chubby hand touching her in that cute pic! Such a fun little celebration, glad you did it! ;)

Vanessa said...

So sad I missed it, dang back. So is my favorite little Mazzi EVER! So adorable!

The Gray Family said...

that was so much fun! Carson looks a little grumpy in the pics...maybe he is just jealous that Mitch is getting all of Mazzi's attention :>) I can't believe she is walking already...where did the time go?