Monday, March 30, 2009

Why not?

The kids were in the backyard the other day and they said they wanted to play in the mud. So, me, like any other responsible parent would, agreed. They had so much fun. It was definitely worth throwing underwear away and hosing and showering them off. They had a blast. Now I just need to remind them that this is not an every day occurrence.


Melissa P said...

Fun!!! Those memories are always the best!

Anderson Family said...

Good for you!! I don't get those moms who are always worried that their kids will get dirty, there kids that's what they do. I bet they will always remember how much fun they had.

Sarah said...

good for you! they look like they had a great time.

Vanessa said...

What a good mom you are! Liam and Jonas would be so jealous. Any chance to jump in puddles and play in dirt and they take it. The two combined would be like heaven for them!!

Kipn n' Sarah said...

You are a fantastic mom and I think that is great that they got to play in the mud! Good memories!

Vanessa said...

I am so glad I'm not the only mom that let's their child do that. Jack did the same thing about month ago. LOVE IT!!

The Gray Family said...

I am sure that one day they will be really grateful that you took those when they bring boyfriends/girlfriends home to meet you and you embarrass them :>) Love these! I'm sure they had a blast.

Melissa said...

Love those little muddy buddies!

Leslie said...

That reminds of the things you and Tera did when you where little. Actually didn't you two put your swimsuits on and roll around in the mud when you were in high school or was that Sierra?

Heather said...

That is awesome! Those pics are priceless!

rachelle said...

fun... does this remind you of our mud wrestling a few summers ago??