Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I got my drivers licence in the mail for the third time in three months to find that once again they have placed my maiden name on my drivers licence. I am still Kyra Smith. Should I go in for the 5th time or just hope I don't have any problems?


Todd + Emily said...

Wow!!! That sucks! I have to go get a new licsence and reading the hell you've been put through I almost don't want to go :)!!! Hopefull the sixth time will be a charm!

Heather said...

Yeah that does suck!!! So retarded!! I cannot believe they can't handle such a simple task! I would go in again and talk to a person in charge so they take it more seriously I guess! I just had the best time reading through your previous posts! Sarah did a great job on the family pics, all the pics are so good! Sorry about the car and yes I agree, getting new tires is not a fun way to spend money! Had to do it myself recently!

Vanessa said...

Wow! I wish I could say I am surprised but after reading your last post about it and being to the DMV way too many times myself, I can't. I don't understand why they think doing nothing will fix the problem! You should make Matt go with you and have him tell them they WILL fix it. That's what I'd do...except I'd take Nate, not Matt. :)

Michelle said...

So frustrating! I'd probably just yell at them till they actually changed something about it :) Little Mazzi looks like such a sweetheart, I'm glad you have a calm one. Your pictures of all the kids are great, good luck choosing!

Katie said...

still... I don't know, I would wait awhile.. lol. Those DMV lines are nOT fun! You have been thompson for years now..

Kipn n' Sarah said...

Are you kidding me??? I can not believe how special people or organizations can be sometimes! The DMV is something I avoid so I don't know what to say, I think I would just give up by now??