Sunday, June 29, 2008

The joys of pregnancy

So, about a week ago I began to feel a little better in the mornings. The throwing up has become less consistent, I got ready for church this week, and even had enough energy to dust a ceiling fan in my room. (I know, watch out) However, as soon as the nausea became less consistent, the veins in my legs began to throb. Can you believe it? I am barley three months along and already the vicious varicose veins (very-gross veins as I called them as a kid) are hurting. I am an upset woman! Why is pregnancy so dang annoying? I want a big family, but wish there was another way. I don't know how many more times my body can handle this craziness!! Just wanted to post some joys of pregnancy. I am sure most of you can relate-

* Bed time is 9:30 pm sharp
*Nightstand drawer is full of Nutri-Grain bars so I can easily grab them in the am
* Every smell makes me gag
* Cravings- Wetzel Pretzels, In N Out and Pink Berry
* Out of breathe and hot (already)
* Hair and make up rarely done
* Bowl next to my bed, just in case I can't make it all the way to the toilet to throw up.
*No sweet tooth (very odd for me)
* Heartburn
* Veins throbbing
* I don't feel like scrapbooking (vary rare)
* I only vacuum twice a week instead of daily
* Matt smells funny to me (poor guy)

Sorry I have no picture to post, it would probably be of me sitting here feeling bad for myself, even though I do feel so blessed. Sometimes I just have to complain!


Emily said...

Yeah, it's a good thing we forget the little details between pregnancies... I guess we have a short memory because they are so worth it. p.s. vacuuming twice a week is better than non-pregnant Emily.

Vanessa said...

It's ok you are allowed to complain. We should go to pinkberry this week , I am craving it too and I'm not even pregnant!

Ricky, Becky, Brooklyn and Addison said...

Oh sweetheart...I feel for you!! I hope that things get better and just hang in there. It will get better for at least a few months. I miss you and I wish that we lived closer so that we could hang out. Take Care!

The Gray Family said...

good thing we love our kids, or after going through pregnancy once there would be a lot of only children in this world!

Sarah said...

yes, we all have to complain sometimes. especially during pregnancy, good thing the end result makes the months of misery SO worth it! when do you find out what you're having?

Susie said...

I hear ya, Sista! I forgot all the weird things that plagued me while I was pregnant, but now that we are soon planning on trying again, it's all coming back to me. Yikes!

Kipn n' Sarah said...

AAaaaawwww... it is amazing the sacrifice women make for cute little kiddos! Some women it is more that is demanded than others, I am sorry it is so rough. At least the end result is worth it right???

Melissa said...

Complain all you want... I am always up for an extra dose of birth control. (By the way you look great- I guess you hide the blah really well.)