Thursday, January 13, 2011

Scrouging for a Snowman

We woke up New Years morning to snow. Not a lot of snow, as you can tell by the green trees and bushes, but enough that the kids were very excited about it. They insisted that we build a snowman. So Matt, Grandpa and the kids went around with a wheelbarrow getting all the snow off the top of cars and other places that it was sticking better than the grass. With the pitiful amount of snow they scrounged up they were able to build this little snowman. And while it is a little pathetic, the kids could not have been happier. They loved their little snowman and checked on him every couple hours to see if he was still around. Two weeks later, there was still the tiniest little bump of snow where our snowman once stood.

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1 comment:

the Chandler chronicles said...

Best snowman I've seen all winter...only snowman too, but definitely the cutest ;)