Thursday, January 15, 2009

When I grow up...

The other day I asked the kids what they wanted to be when they grew up- Ashton said he wanted to be Batman. Not a "fake batman" though. He wants to be the real one. "With a mask"
Posted by PicasaTera said she wanted to be Ariel and Tinkerbell- so she could swim and fly. I asked her what Mommy was going to be when she grew up and she said "Cinderella." When I asked what Daddy was going to be she said "Ummm... a ladybug, or a butterfly."
You just never know what kids are going to say!


Leslie said...

That's hilarious!! It appears he takes after you Kyra, sounds like something you would have said.

DenosClan said...

We miss you guys. Jared asked the other day..."Mom, am I ever going to see Ashton again?" He was so sad. Mazzi is adorable. You guys should have half a dozen more just because your kids are so dang cute! I'm bummed I didn't get to see her in person. It looks like you are adjusting from two to three quite well!