Monday, May 19, 2008

Ashtons Art

Ashton drew me this picture of me and him for Mothers day. Ashton is on the left holding two swords and I am on the right cooking, holding two pans. I think it is the most precious thing ever.


Melissa said...

Of course he is holding swords. Very sweet.

Dani said...

I can't wait until Caden can make cute things like this to put up on our fridge!

YES! I love the twilight series! I am urgently awaiting the fourth book and the movie coming out in December! They are absolutely the best books I have ever read (even though I've only read a handful by choice). I recommended them to my whole family!

Heather said...

So cute! Pans are your weapons of choice uh? LOL!

Sarah said...

so cute! i love kids' renditions and drawings of things. it would be pretty fun to see the world through their eyes!