Sunday, April 13, 2008

Terrible Tera

Okay- so that is a pretty mean title- but I just had a back flash of us calling my sister "Terrible Tera" when we wanted to make her mad. Of course, she was older and would come back with harsher comebacks. I think the meanest being "No one will come to your funeral except for a mule." I think she thought that rhymed at the time. I guess it sort of does. Kids can be mean!! Okay- so on a completely different note- this is little Tera at her best.

Tera loves to apply diaper rash ointment on her herself. She takes off her diaper and proceeds to apply it all over her bum and legs. This day, after finishing her toosh, apparently she decided that she should also apply it to her cheeks. I tried to be stern with her, but ended up laughing and getting the camera- at which point she started laughing too. When will she be potty trained? I am losing all hope!!

1 comment:

Heather said...

SO FUNNY! Look how happy she is! I LOVE it!