Tuesday, February 24, 2009

According to Tera...

The camera thief returned at the luncheon celebrating Mazzi's blessing. Tera documented the entire event according to her. It was fun to go through the pictures and see the moments she had captured. I think she got a picture of most of the people there. I love that they are mostly of her little buddies.
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A name and a blessing

Mazzi Shaye Thompson was blessed February, 22nd She was blessed to continue to bring peace and happiness to our home, to help others feel the spirit, to help others find the gospel. She was blessed to be healthy and to marry in the temple.

Several of our close friends were able to be in her blessing circle. I waited too long to take the picture so only a few are pictured here- Don, Lance, Matt, Scott and Clint M.

Also in the blessing circle- Rob, Ryan, Kip and Clint H.

Nana was able to come down for Mazzis blessing. It is always so nice to have my mom visiting.

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Camera Thief...

While we were picking weeds on the hillside (you can see my mom out of the scree door) Tera decided to take the liberty of taking pictures around the house. This is a recent interest of hers- she takes pictures all day long, or at least until the memory card is full. Then she brings it to me and says "it not working." She is quite good at operating the camera and can easily go from taking pictures, to video, to viewing her masterpieces. Here are a few of the hundreds....
Her wand End table- Pillows- with misc. baby stuff

Ashtons dirty sock Mommys favorite books Front door

Garbage waiting to be taken out stairs looking up...

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Sunday, February 15, 2009

My husband is awesome...

For Valentines day Matt got me some beautiful roses- but more importantly...
he got me tickets to see Britney Spears in concert at the Honda Center in April.... I can't wait!!! All I got him were some flip flops and a tie- I guess he won this one!


I don't know how long these two will be able to bathe together... but for now they love it and it entertains them for a long time. This particular day they decided to dump out a whole bottle of kids shampoo in the bath to make a lot of bubbles. I asked them afterwards, "do you think that was a good decision?" They agreed it was not a good choice, however that did not stop Tera from doing the exact same thing the next day.
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Beacuse I have a sister, I always have a friend-

Tera Lynn- 3 1/2 Mazzi Shaye- 7 weeks

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Can't get enough..

I can't get enough of this pretty little smile- I might be a bit biased but I think she has the sweetest little mouth and eyes ever...
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Our baby's cuter than your baby...

The other day I told Ashton that one of my friends had a baby. He quickly said "but their baby isn't as cute as our baby is it?" I tried to explain to him that we will always think Mazzi is cuter than other babies because she is ours, and other people with babies will always think their baby is the cutest- it is just how it works. He didn't get it- he said, "but our baby really is the cutest baby in the entire world."

Ashton, will you play with Mazzi?

Mazzi likes someone to be near her talking to her and paying attention to her. So, one day while I was making dinner I asked Ashton to be in charge of talking to her and playing with her (basically distracting her). Ashton adores Mazzi so jumped at the chance to play with her. He quickly got his little game boy and proceeded to play the game boy with Mazzi. I thought it was hillarious because she actually did watch the screen the whole time he played. Ashton is a very good big brother. I know Heavenly Father wanted him to be the big brother to our little girls because he knew that Ashton would watch over them.
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My children, My treasures

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009


A horse trailer was in front of me the other day when I was running errands with Tera. I pointed out how you could only see the horses bum in the trailer. She thought this was very amusing. After a while she said "Mom, that horsese bum looks like your bum." I looked back at her and we both started laughing. She is so silly.

Hard days...

One day while checking out at Costco my kids were hitting each other back and forth with the sticks used to divide customers groceries, draping the chain across lanes to "close them,"and taking down signs while fighting over who got to hold the receipt and get a smiley face drawn on it on our way out.... I looked at the cashier and said "It's been a hard day." He looked at me and said, "Did you see the car accident that happened on freeway? Those people are having a bad day." I have thought about that comment many times since when I think I am having a bad day. This cashier helped put things in perspective for me. Still though I find myself occasionally thinking- this was a bad day.

Today, or more tonight was a bad night. Matt is training in Costa Mesa right now he will stay the night down in a motel about three times a week. Some days this is fine and other days, like today the day seems so long. Even if the day has been okay- by five I am tired and wanting to call in the reinforcement (aka Dad) but he is obviously not around to assist. This time is especially trying with a newborn (I can still call her that right?) (If not- an eight week old) who gets fussy most evenings.

Tonight- I begin getting ready for enrichment and realize I forgot to finish doing some vinyl lettering that I needed to bring to enrichment. I also need to feed the kids dinner. So I get the kids food and start doing the lettering. The whole time Mazzi is screaming. I call a friend to help me finish the signs (thanks Katie) Mazzi is still screaming. I finally get the signs done, change a diaper, get the kids in the car and head off to Enrichment. Mazzi cries most of enrichment. While helpful friends hold her I get my 72 hour kits filled. Katie comes to the rescue once again by bringing out loads to my car while I herd the kids out. We are driving home and I am getting excited about the thought of kids being asleep. But- Tera cries the whole way home- Ashton gets annoyed with her for crying so hits her. I get mad at him for hitting his sister so spank him. (I usually do not spank- because can't you see the hypocrisy?) Mazzi is still crying- so now all three kids are crying and I am on the verge. By the time we are home Tera and Ashton are asleep. I carry them upstairs to their beds then return to feed Mazzi. She goes to sleep for a few minutes then wakes up again. I just got her down for the night (I hope) at 11:00 pm. My house is a mess as am I--I am ready for a bath, and even more ready to have my husband back at nights! I think he only has four more weeks of training?? Thanks friends for getting me through it!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

My relationship with legos

I think every mother has a toy that they love because it entertains their child, but hate because it is messy, or they need supervision, or help putting that toy together, or it is loud---etc. Such are my feelings on Lego's. Ashton plays with Lego's for hours each day.They entertain him and I think they will help him on his path to becoming a genius :) (He invented this plane by himself.) They are relatively quiet- however, he often requests my help building things while I am nursing the baby and he wants me to do it exactly like the directions say. This is impossible with my spacial skills and also if any individual Lego is missing. Lego's are also such itty bitty things and are often times scattered all over our living room floor. For those of you who know me( which I hope is everyone reading my blog- if you don't know please get off my blog)- clutter drives me insane. Now you have the low-down on my love/hate relationship with Legos. But build on my creative son. When I asked Ashton why he liked building Lego's he said "Because I am so creative.
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Mazzi Shaye- 7 weeks old and brightening our home with her smile.
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