She is starting to communicate a lot and she never leaves us wondering what she wants. Some of her words are:
Ma ma* Da da*Ba ba (any kind of fluid) *Nack (snack)* Nana*Tat (Cat)* Puppy *Bubbles * Tree *Eye * Mine (of course!) * Shoe (she is obsessed with shoes)
She also is fascinated by noses and goes around pointing to every ones nose and reaches out to touch them. As soon as she gets out of the bath, before I even have a diaper on her, she is in her room putting necklaces and shoes on. She is definitely a girl! We love you Mazzi! Don't grow up too fast!

Awwww.... I seriously LOVE the relationship a daddy has with his little girl! Seriously it melts my heart! Don't grow up too fast little lady!
Love this Kyra! She looks so grown up! Makes me sad for Matt!
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