Before we left good
ol" Lake Elsinore we jammed in a few more nights of fun! We went out to dinner with several good friends and then a few of us who didn't have to take off went to play some dodge ball. We got some good action shots. (These must have been taken before the
Chalkers joined us)
Here's the Hackers getting ready to race for the ball
Kim and Clint. "Bring it!"
My fave shot of the night- throwing in unison!
I love this picture of Matt trying not to get kicked by Rob. Rob is a very aggressive dodge ball player and nearly broke Matt's foot. ON PURPOSE. What a jerk. That is all I am going to say about that. (Hoping you can sense my sarcasm)
Chatums were quite the pair. Don't let Susi's sweet little smile fool you... she is vicious!
Oh yea- it was that intense! By the end of the night sweat and tears were flying everywhere... or maybe just sweat.
And there was no mercy given to the girls.... we had welts to prove it!
definitely have to do this again sometime in comfier clothes that don't show the sweat... and with even more people!
So sad we missed out! Those pics are AWESOME!! Love it!!
sad we missed out too, I never really got to say goodbye. You will be missed, see you in 6 months.
oh wow those are some awesome pics!! i think i need a rematch when i'm not wearing 14 layers of clothing, and hadn't just eaten pasta....yes I am making excuses for my suckiness! That was loads of fun, the best part was when Matt was sprawled on the floor crying like a little girl cause my husband took him down!!!
Great, wonderful, FAB SHOTS!!!!! Looks like A TON of fun!
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