Ashton loves to nail pieces of wood together. It is cute to see him projecting away. This particular day he was trying to build a PlayStation- (good luck) I don't think he gets the complexity of electronics yet. But some wood, nails, a hammer, a drill and screws will entertain the kid for hours! And he has not lost any fingers or stabbed himself with many nails... yet
Ashton loves when I go to Lowe's and get wood for my vinyl lettering business because he knows he will get the
That is so cute! Looks like he knows what he is doing and is good at it way to go Ash!
I can just picture him out working on his projects while you are working on yours.
Kyra you are a blogging manic... when do you have time... new baby, perfectly clean house??? I enjoyed catching up with everything... I feel a little out of the loop.
I loved all the Mazie pics.
so I just stumbled across your blog!! How are you guys??...ashton is so big....and your baby!!! And do you have three now WOW! It was great to see how you guys are doing!!!!
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