She gives the best Eskimo kisses
She signs I am a child of God, Once there was a snowman and Popcorn so sweetly
She has her own language that only mommy and daddy can understand
She loves to pretend to be a mermaid in the bath
She is a girly girl
She laughs so easily and loves to make funny faces- the nose crinkle is my favorite
She has just the right amount of sass and will quickly stick out her tongue at Ashton if he is being naughty towards her (its cute now- but won't be soon- I know)
She's extra sensitive- if she hurts someone or their feelings she says sorry immediately(and means it) and gives hugs
She is afraid of so many things- and always says "that scare me" about pirates, octopuses and anything that resembles a cave
She is a great hugger and snuggler
Anytime I check her diaper, she says "I not stinky mom- and often times follows it by "you a stinky bum mom." She thinks it is hilarious! She is learning too much from her brother!
Awww, I just love her! She is such a sweetie!
Oh, you are such a GOOD MAMA!!
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